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zhù to live / to dwell / to stay / to reside / to stop / (suffix indicating firmness, steadiness, or coming to a halt)
zhù to reside / to dwell / to live in a place / resident in
chǔ to reside / to live / to dwell / to be in / to be situated at / to stay / to get along with / to be in a position of / to deal with / to discipline / to punish
to reside / to be (in a certain position) / to store up / to be at a standstill / residence / house / restaurant / classifier for bedrooms
qiáo juàn family members of nationals residing abroad
liú residence / to reside
to reside / to imply / to contain / residence
qiáo emigrant / to reside abroad
dān tián pubic region / point two inches below the navel where one's qi resides
zhù jiā residence / household / to reside
chǔ to live / to reside
to make one's home in / to reside in / to inhabit
zhù to live / to reside
dǐng lún sahasrāra or sahasrara, the crown or fontanel chakra 查克拉, residing at the top of the skull
shēng zhí lún svadhisthana, the navel or libido chakra, residing in the genitals
zhù jié (of a high official) to temporarily reside overseas (or in another part of the country) on an official posting
méi xīn lún ājñā or ajna, the brow or third eye chakra 查克拉, residing in the forehead / also written 眉间轮
méi jiān lún ājñā or ajna, the brow or third eye chakra 查克拉, residing in the forehead
Luó xìng rén Rohingya (predominantly Muslim ethnic group primarily residing in Rakhine State, Myanmar)
lún manipūra or manipura, the solar plexus chakra 查克拉, residing in the upper abdomen

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By MDBG 2024