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Did you mean: zhi zhu zhao zhe zhai za ?

zhà to burst; to explode / to blow up; to bomb / (coll.) to fly into a rage / (coll.) to scamper off; to scatter
zhā (of troops) to be stationed (at) / Taiwan pr. [zha2]
zhā to prick / to run or stick (a needle etc) into / mug or jug used for serving beer (loanword from "jar")
zhā variant of
zhá to deep fry / (coll.) to blanch (a vegetable) / Taiwan pr. [zha4]
zhá sluice; sluice gate / to dam up water / (coll.) brake / (coll.) electric switch
zhá old variant of / sluice / lock (on waterway)
zhà to press / to extract (juice) / device for extracting juice, oils etc
zhà variant of / to press / to extract (juice)
Zhā surname Zha
zhǎ to blink / to wink
zhá used in 挣扎
zhā slag (in mining or smelting) / dregs
zhā variant of
zhà to cheat / to swindle / to pretend / to feign / to draw sb out / to try to extract information by deceit or bluff
zha used in 饹馇
zhǎ salted fish / dish made with ground vegetables, flour and other condiments
zhā to prick with a needle
zhā to shout / to show off / Taiwan pr. [ze2]
zhà fence / also pr. [shan1]

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By MDBG 2024