乌 |
wù la | leather shoe stuffed with Carex meyeriana 乌拉草, worn in northeastern China during winter |
乌 |
Wū | abbr. for country names that begin with 乌: Ukraine 乌克兰, Uzbekistan 乌兹别克斯坦 etc / surname Wu |
乌 |
wū | crow / black |
乌 |
wù | used in 乌拉 / used in 乌拉草 |
拉 |
lā | to pull / to play (a bowed instrument) / to drag / to draw / to chat / (coll.) to empty one's bowels |
拉 |
lá | to make a cut in (sth); to slit; to gash; to slash |
拉 |
là | used in 拉拉蛄 / variant of 落 |