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zhǐ guǎn solely engrossed in one thing / just (one thing, no need to worry about the rest) / simply / by all means / please feel free / do not hesitate (to ask for sth)
zhī variant of
zhǐ only; merely; just
zhǐ variant of
zhī grain that has begun to ripen
zhǐ variant of
zhī classifier for birds and certain animals, one of a pair, some utensils, vessels etc
  guǎn variant of
  Guǎn surname Guan
  guǎn to take care (of) / to control / to manage / to be in charge of / to look after / to run / to care about / tube / pipe / woodwind / classifier for tube-shaped objects / particle similar to in ... constructions / writing brush / (coll.) to / towards
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By MDBG 2025