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Zhōu zhuāng Zhèn Zhouzhuang, old canal town between Shanghai and Suzhou, tourist attraction
Zhōu surname Zhou / Zhou Dynasty (1046-256 BC)
zhōu to make a circuit / to circle / circle / circumference / lap / cycle / complete / all / all over / thorough / to help financially
zhōu week / weekly / variant of
Zhōu zhuāng Zhouzhuang, old canal town between Shanghai and Suzhou, tourist attraction
  zhuāng variant of
  Zhuāng surname Zhuang
  zhuāng farmstead / village / manor / place of business / banker (in a gambling game) / grave or solemn / holdings of a landlord (in imperial China)
   zhèn to press down / to calm / to subdue / to suppress / to guard / garrison / small town / to cool or chill (food or drinks)
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By MDBG 2025