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Ā Zàng Qiāng zhì zhōu Ngawa Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture, in Sichuan Province 四川省
Ā abbr. for country names that begin with : Algeria 阿尔及利亚, Afghanistan 阿富汗 etc
ā prefix used before monosyllabic names, kinship terms etc to indicate familiarity / used in transliteration / also pr. [a4]
ē (literary) to flatter; to curry favor with
Ā see 阿坝藏族羌族自治州 / see 阿坝县
  (used in place names) plain; flatland / (dialect) sandbar; shoal
  dam / dike; embankment / CL:
   Zàng Tibet / abbr. for Xizang or Tibet Autonomous Region 西藏
   cáng to conceal / to hide away / to harbor / to store / to collect
   zàng storehouse / depository / Buddhist or Taoist scripture
   Zàng Tibetan ethnic group
    race / nationality / ethnicity / clan / by extension, social group (e.g. office workers 上班族)
     Qiāng Qiang ethnic group of northwestern Sichuan / surname Qiang
     qiāng muntjac / grammar particle indicating nonsense (classical)
     qiāng variant of
     Qiāng Qiang ethnic group, nowadays esp. in north Sichuan
      race / nationality / ethnicity / clan / by extension, social group (e.g. office workers 上班族)
       (bound form) self; oneself / from; since / naturally; as a matter of course
       zhì autonomy
       zhì zhōu autonomous prefecture
        zhì to rule / to govern / to manage / to control / to harness (a river) / to treat (a disease) / to wipe out (a pest) / to punish / to research
         zhōu prefecture / (old) province / (old) administrative division / state (e.g. of US) / oblast (Russia) / canton (Switzerland)
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