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fàn diàn restaurant / hotel / CL:,
xiū xi rest / to rest
diǎn point / dot / drop / speck / o'clock / point (in space or time) / to draw a dot / to check on a list / to choose / to order (food in a restaurant) / to touch briefly / to hint / to light / to ignite / to pour a liquid drop by drop / (old) one fifth of a two-hour watch / dot stroke in Chinese characters / classifier for items
other / (sth or sb) else / the rest
jiǔ diàn wine shop / pub (public house) / hotel / restaurant / (Tw) hostess club
jiā to add / plus / (used after an adverb such as , , etc, and before a disyllabic verb, to indicate that the action of the verb is applied to sth or sb previously mentioned) / to apply (restrictions etc) to (sb) / to give (support, consideration etc) to (sth)
to be able to / to subdue / to restrain / to overcome / gram / Tibetan unit of land area, about 6 ares
shōu to receive / to accept / to collect / to put away / to restrain / to stop / in care of (used on address line after name)
variant of / to subdue / to overthrow / to restrain
wài mài (of a restaurant) to provide a takeout or home delivery meal / takeout (business) / takeout (meal)
river (CL:,) / (bound form) the Yellow River / (bound form) the Milky Way / (bound form) (on restaurant menus) rice noodles 河粉
fàn guǎn restaurant / CL:
yǒu rén someone / people / anyone / there is someone there / occupied (as in restroom)
àn to press / to push / to leave aside or shelve / to control / to restrain / to keep one's hand on / to check or refer to / according to / in the light of / (of an editor or author) to make a comment
yuē to make an appointment / to invite / approximately / pact / treaty / to economize / to restrict / to reduce (a fraction) / concise
ān unpeaceful / unstable / uneasy / disturbed / restless / worried
luò to fall or drop / (of the sun) to set / (of a tide) to go out / to lower / to decline or sink / to lag or fall behind / to fall onto / to rest with / to get or receive / to write down / whereabouts / settlement
zài hu to rest with; to lie in; to be due to (a certain attribute) / (often used in the negative) to care about
the rest / the others / remaining / remainder / apart from them
xiàn zhì to restrict / to limit / to confine / restriction / limit / CL:

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By MDBG 2024