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Did you mean: zhi zi see ze zai zui ?

zéi thief / traitor / wily / deceitful / evil / extremely
cháo tide of thought / way of thinking characteristic of a historical period / Zeitgeist
zéi méi shǔ yǎn shifty-eyed / crafty-looking (idiom)
zéi chuán pirate ship / fig. venture of dubious merit / criminal gang / reactionary faction
zéi hǎn zhuō zéi lit. a thief crying "Stop the thief!" (idiom) / fig. to accuse sb of a theft and try to sneak away oneself / to cover up one's misdeeds by shifting the blame onto others
Zeikowa acuminata
zéi thieves' lair
zéi cuttlefish
zéi liàng bright / shiny / dazzling / glaring
zéi xīn evil intentions
zéi tóu zéi nǎo lit. to behave like a thief / furtive / underhand
zéi old variant of
zéi (derog.) Buddhist monk
zéi completely / utterly (dialect)
piàn Bào Bild-Zeitung
lán Huì bào Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
Cài Gōng Zeiss Company (Carl Zeiss AG, optical and opto-electronic industries. hq in Oberkochen, Germany)
zéi méi zéi yǎn see 贼眉鼠眼
zéi yǎn shifty gaze / furtive glance
Zéi chōng Quarry Bay (area in Hong Kong)

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By MDBG 2024