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Gòng shān lóng zhì xiàn Gongshan Derung and Nu autonomous county in Nujiang Lisu autonomous prefecture 怒江傈僳族自治州 in northwest Yunnan
Gòng surname Gong
gòng to offer tribute / tribute / gifts
Gòng shān Gongshan Derung and Nu autonomous county in Nujiang Lisu autonomous prefecture 怒江傈僳族自治州 in northwest Yunnan
  Shān surname Shan
  shān mountain; hill (CL:) / (coll.) small bundle of straw for silkworms to spin cocoons on
   alone / independent / single / sole / only
   lóng Drung or Dulong ethnic group of northwest Yunnan
    Lóng surname Long
    lóng Chinese dragon; loong / (fig.) emperor / dragon / (bound form) dinosaur
     race / nationality / ethnicity / clan / by extension, social group (e.g. office workers 上班族)
      anger / fury / flourishing / vigorous
      Nu ethnic group
       race / nationality / ethnicity / clan / by extension, social group (e.g. office workers 上班族)
        (bound form) self; oneself / from; since / naturally; as a matter of course
        zhì autonomy
        zhì xiàn autonomous county
         zhì to rule / to govern / to manage / to control / to harness (a river) / to treat (a disease) / to wipe out (a pest) / to punish / to research
          xiàn county
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By MDBG 2024