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Did you mean: can chain chen shan china chun ?

chǎn to give birth / to reproduce / to produce / product / resource / estate / property
chán to wind around / to wrap round / to coil / tangle / to involve / to bother / to annoy
chǎn to level off / to root up
chǎn to shovel / to remove / spade / shovel
chān to take by the arm and assist / to mix; to blend; to dilute; to adulterate
chān to mix (variant of )
chán gluttonous / greedy / to have a craving
chán used in 单于
chán toad ("chán" represents the sound of its croaking) / (mythology) the three-legged toad said to exist in the moon / (metonym) the moon
chán dhyana (Sanskrit) / Zen / meditation (Buddhism)
chǎn (literary) (of sunlight) to beam down / to illuminate / (used in place names and given names)
chàn (bound form) saddle blanket
guān to close the passes / to seal off the country / seclusion (monastic practice, e.g. of Chan Buddhists)
Chán Chan River in Henan province 河南
chàn irregular / mixed
chǎn name of a river in Shaanxi province / see 浐河
chán to slander / to defame / to misrepresent / to speak maliciously
chǎn skewer
chán market place
chǎn to express / to disclose / to enlighten / to open

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By MDBG 2024