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Did you mean: show chou cow choy chew choi ?

chǎo miàn stir-fried noodles / "chow mein"
sōng shī quǎn Chow Chow (dog breed)
nán pài táng láng Chow Gar - "Southern Praying Mantis" - Martial Art
Zhōu yuè York Chow or Chow Yat-ngok (1947-), Hong Kong doctor and politician, Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food since 2004
Zhōu Xīng chí Stephen Chow (1962-), Hong Kong actor, comedian, screenwriter and film director, known for his mo lei tau 无厘头 movies
Zhōu Liáng Shū Selina Chow (Chow Liang Shuk-yee) (1945-), Hong Kong politician
Zhōu Rùn Chow Yun-Fat (1955-), Hong Kong TV and film star

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