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Did you mean: chen chan china shun chin chuan ?

chún pure / simple / unmixed / genuine
chǔn stupid / sluggish / clumsy / to wiggle (of worms) / to move in a disorderly fashion
chǔn variant of / stupid
Chūn surname Chun
chūn spring (season) / gay / joyful / youthful / love / lust / life
chūn old variant of
chūn bedbug
chún quail
chūn hearse
chún lip
yǒng chūn Wing Chun / same as 咏春拳 / Yongchun - "Singing Spring Fist" (Chinese martial art)
chūn (a kind of jade)
chún edible water plant / Brasenia schreberi
chún edible water plant / Brasenia schreberi
luó chūn biluochun or pi lo chun, a type of green tea grown in the Dongting Mountain region near Lake Tai 太湖, Jiangsu
Chún ān Chun'an county in Hangzhou 杭州, Zhejiang
chún genuine / pure / honest
chún shore
chún variant of
chūn (tree)

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