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next in sequence / second / the second (day, time etc) / secondary / vice- / sub- / infra- / inferior quality / substandard / order / sequence / hypo- (chemistry) / classifier for enumerated events: time
word / statement; speech; lyrics / a form of lyric poetry, flourishing in the Song dynasty 宋朝 (CL:)
old variant of
thorn / sting / thrust / to prick / to pierce / to stab / to assassinate / to murder
this; these
(bound form) to confer; to bestow; to grant / (literary) gift; favor / Taiwan pr. [si4]
chinaware / porcelain / china
old variant of
to resign / to dismiss / to decline / (literary) to take leave / (archaic poetic genre) ballad / variant of
(onom.) whoosh
magnetic / magnetism / porcelain
used in 参差
què (literary) to end; to stop / one of the stanzas (usually two) of a ci poem / classifier for songs or ci poems
shrine / to offer a sacrifice
sticky rice cake
female / Taiwan pr. [ci1]
fried rice cake
(literary) caterpillar
used in 伺候
compassionate / gentle / merciful / kind / humane

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