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Did you mean: hall haul haili hill hailu hell ?

fēng regardless of weather conditions / rain, hail or shine
Hǎi líng Hailing district of Taizhou city 泰州市, Jiangsu
báo hail
báo zāi disaster caused by hail
xiàn graupel / snow pellet / soft hail
bīng báo hail / hailstone / CL:,
dàn hail of bullets
báo zi hail / hailstone
yáng zhào to flag down (a cab) on the street / to hail (a taxicab)
zhǐ pén paper cone used as hailer
Wàn Hail Mary / Ave Maria (religion)
Hǎi líng Hailing district of Taizhou city 泰州市, Jiangsu

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