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King Helu of Wu (-496 BC, reigned 514-496 BC) / also called 阖庐
King Helu of Wu (-496 BC, reigned 514-496 BC) / also called 阖闾
Chūn qiū the Five Hegemons of the Spring and Autumn period (770-476 BC), namely: Duke Huan of Qi 齐桓公, Duke Wen of Jin 晋文公, King Zhuang of Chu 楚庄王, and alternatively Duke Xiang of Song 宋襄公 and Duke Mu of Qin 秦穆公 or King Helu of Wu 吴王阖闾 and King Gou Jian of Yue 越王勾践
wáng King Helu of Wu (-496 BC, reigned 514-496 BC) / also called 吴王阖闾
wáng King Helu of Wu (-496 BC, reigned 514-496 BC), sometimes considered one of the Five Hegemons 春秋五霸 / also called 吴王阖庐
chéng capital city of King Helu of Wu from 6th century BC, at modern Wuxi, Jiangsu
chéng zhǐ ruins of capital city of King Helu of Wu, from 6th century BC, at modern Wuxi, Jiangsu

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