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Did you mean: nan niao non nuan nin naian ?

nián year / CL:
nián grain / harvest (old) / variant of
niàn to read / to study (a subject) / to attend (a school) / to read aloud / to give (sb) a tongue-lashing (CL:) / to miss (sb) / idea / remembrance / twenty (banker's anti-fraud numeral corresponding to 廿)
niàn variant of , to read aloud
nián sticky; glutinous / (Tw) to adhere; to stick on; to glue
Nián surname Nian
niān to nip / to grasp with the fingers / to fiddle with / Taiwan pr. [nian2]
niǎn calm water
廿 niàn twenty
nián variant of
niǎn (archaic) man-drawn carriage / an imperial carriage / to transport by carriage
niǎn to twirl (in the fingers)
nián gāo nian gao, New Year cake, typically a sweet, steamed cake made with glutinous rice flour
niān to fade / to wither / to wilt / listless
nián sheatfish (Parasilurus asotus) / oriental catfish / see also
nián sheatfish (Parasilurus asotus) / oriental catfish / see also
niàn earth embankment used to hold back or retain water / dike around a paddy field
niǎn stone roller / roller and millstone / to grind / to crush / to husk
niǎn muddy water
Niǎn jūn Nian Army, leading a peasant rebellion against the Qing dynasty in Shandong, Henan, Jiangsu and Anhui 1851-1868, at the same time as the Taiping Rebellion further south

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By MDBG 2024