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niē to hold between the thumb and fingers / to pinch / to mold (using the fingers) / to hold (lit. in one's hand and fig.) / to join together / to fabricate (a story, a report, etc)
niē variant of
Niè surname Nie
niè to whisper
niè (literary) alunite (formerly used as a black dye) / (literary) to dye black
niè son born of a concubine / disaster / sin / evil
niè bones of the temple (on the human head) / see 颞颥, temple
niè nickel (chemistry)
niè guidepost / rule / standard / limit / target (old)
niè to gnaw / to erode
Niè surname Nie
Niè surname Nie
niè variant of
niè variant of
niè (bound form) tweezers / to use tweezers (to grasp, pick up, or pull out etc, depending on whether the following resultative verb is or or etc)
niè new shoot growing from cut branch or stump
niè to walk on tiptoe / to walk quietly / to tread (on) / to follow
niè move the mouth as in speaking
niè talkative
niè (literary) yeast used for brewing wine

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By MDBG 2025