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ài ren spouse (PRC) / lover (non-PRC) / CL:
mín jiān among the people / popular / folk / non-governmental / involving people rather than governments
fēi to not be; not / wrong; incorrect / non-; un-; in-; de- / to reproach; to blame / (coll.) to insist on; simply must
fān (bound form) foreign (non-Chinese); barbarian / classifier for processes or actions that take time and effort / (classifier) a kind; a sort / (classifier) (used after the verb to indicate how many times a quantity doubles, as in 翻一番 "to double")
nèi inside story / non-public information / behind the scenes / internal
Huá ethnic Chinese / non-Chinese citizen of Chinese ancestry
páng guān spectator / non-participant
non-Han people, esp. to the East of China / barbarians / to wipe out / to exterminate / to tear down / to raze
non-Han people, esp. from central Asia / reckless / outrageous / what? / why? / to complete a winning hand at mahjong (also written )
r non-syllabic diminutive suffix / retroflex final
hūn strong-smelling vegetable (garlic etc) / non-vegetarian food (meat, fish etc) / vulgar / obscene
shí míng real-name (registration etc) / non-anonymous
shí non-staple food / CL:
huì huà (language learning) conversation / dialog / to converse (in a non-native language) / (computing) session / CL:,
guǎn zhì to control / to restrict / (PRC law) non-custodial sentence with specified restrictions on one's activities for up to 3 years (e.g. not to participate in demonstrations)
lǎo wài (coll.) foreigner (esp. non Asian person) / layman / amateur
hūn cài non-vegetarian dish (including meat, fish, garlic, onion etc)
dissident / alien / outsider / non-self / others
fàn (bound form) general / non-specific / extensive / pan- / to flood / (literary) to float about / to be suffused with (a color, emotion, odor etc)
guāng matte / non-glossy

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By MDBG 2024