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le (completed action marker) / (modal particle indicating change of state, situation now) / (modal particle intensifying preceding clause)
xiàn zài now / at present / at the moment / modern / current / nowadays
xiān beforehand; first; earlier / at first; originally / for the time being; for now / (prefix) my late (in referring to deceased relatives older than oneself)
jīn tiān today / the present time; now
huìr a moment / a while / in a moment / now...now... / also pr. [yi1 hui3 r5]
yǒu shí sometimes / now and then
jīn hòu hereafter / henceforth / in the future / from now on
gāng cái just now / a moment ago
gāng cái just now (variant of 刚才)
cái ability; talent / sb of a certain type / a capable individual / then and only then / just now / (before an expression of quantity) only
cái (variant of ) just now / (variant of ) (before an expression of quantity) only
yǎn qián before one's eyes / now / at present
zhì jīn so far / to this day / until now
cóng from now on / since then / henceforth
jīn nowadays; now
shí now / this moment
this moment / now / at present
shí from time to time / now and then / occasionally / frequently
wǎng hòu from now on / in the future / time to come
now / here / this / time / year

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By MDBG 2024