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xiū xi rest / to rest
other / (sth or sb) else / the rest
luò to fall or drop / (of the sun) to set / (of a tide) to go out / to lower / to decline or sink / to lag or fall behind / to fall onto / to rest with / to get or receive / to write down / whereabouts / settlement
zài hu to rest with; to lie in; to be due to (a certain attribute) / (often used in the negative) to care about
the rest / the others / remaining / remainder / apart from them
méi cuò that's right / sure! / rest assured! / that's good / can't go wrong
zài to rest with; to lie in; to be due to (a certain attribute) / (of a matter) to be determined by; to be up to (sb)
xiē to rest / to take a break / to stop / to halt / (dialect) to sleep / a moment / a short while
tuō to hold up in one's hand; to support with one's palm / sth serving as a support: a prop, a rest (e.g. arm rest) / (bound form) a shill / to ask; to beg; to entrust (variant of ) / torr (unit of pressure)
zhǐ guǎn solely engrossed in one thing / just (one thing, no need to worry about the rest) / simply / by all means / please feel free / do not hesitate (to ask for sth)
to lie on one's stomach / to lean forward, resting one's upper body (on a desktop etc) / (Tw) percent
ān xīn at ease / to feel relieved / to set one's mind at rest / to keep one's mind on sth
zhuó luò whereabouts / place to settle / reliable source (of funds etc) / (of responsibility for a matter) to rest with sb / settlement / solution
zhū lèi things like this (idiom); and so on / and the rest / etc
breath / news / interest (on an investment or loan) / to cease / to stop / to rest / Taiwan pr. [xi2]
xiē xi to have a rest / to stay for the night / to go to bed / to sleep
xiū to rest / to stop doing sth for a period of time / to cease / (imperative) don't
xiū zhěng to rest and reorganize (military)
xiē jiǎo to stop on the way for a rest
to rest

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By MDBG 2024