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Did you mean: say sow see sa sao sew ?

a saw (CL:) / to saw
diàn electric saw (esp. electric chain saw)
a two-man saw / fig. to-and-fro between two sides
piàn saw blade
zi a saw / CL:
qiāo qiāo bǎn see-saw
liàn chain saw
diào to saw off (a branch etc); to amputate (a limb)
kāi to saw
dāo dǐng huò knife, saw and cauldron / ancient instruments of torture / fig. torture
qiào bǎn a see-saw
线 xiàn fret saw / jigsaw
chǎng saw mill / timber mill
gāng jigsaw (saw with steel wire blade)
dāo yuè knife, saw, ax and hatchet (idiom); facing torture and execution
bǎn see-saw
wǎng reciprocating saw
xié qiē miter saw
qiáng bǎn drywall saw / plasterboard saw
qiào qiào bǎn see-saw / also written 跷跷板

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