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Did you mean: see shi shu shoe sha shy ?

rén jia other people / sb else / he, she or they / I, me (referring to oneself as "one" or "people")
shè to shoot / to launch / to allude to / radio- (chemistry)
shè (bound form) society; organization; agency / (old) god of the land
shè old variant of
shé snake / serpent / CL:
shé variant of
shè to set up; to put in place / (math.) given; suppose; if
(old) third person singular pronoun ("he" or "she") / second person singular pronoun ("you") / (May 4th period) third person singular feminine pronoun ("she") / (Classical Chinese) introductory particle with no specific meaning / that (preceding a noun)
shé to snap / to break (a stick, a bone etc) / (bound form) to sustain a loss (in business)
shè (literary) to wade across a body of water / (bound form) to experience / to undergo / to be involved / to concern
(Cantonese) he, she, it
(classical) this, that / he, she, they / (exclamatory final particle) / (initial particle, introduces an opinion)
shè to pardon (a convict)
Shé surname She
shē extravagant
shě to give up; to abandon / to give alms
Shè surname She
shè (bound form) residence; house / (bound form) my (in speaking of relatives younger than oneself) / (archaic) unit of distance equal to 30 li
shè terrified

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By MDBG 2024