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to avoid / to shun / to flee / to escape / to keep away from / to leave / to hide from
huí to shun / to avoid (sb) / to skirt / to evade (an issue) / to step back / to withdraw / to recuse (a judge etc)
shùn to obey / to follow / to arrange / to make reasonable / along / favorable
xián to regard with disdain; to shun
Shùn Shun (c. 23rd century BC), mythical sage and leader
shǔn to suck
shùn Hibiscus syriacus
shǔn draw forth / horizontal railing
jié shēn hào clean-living and honest (idiom); to avoid immorality / to shun evil influence / to mind one's own business and keep out of trouble / to keep one's hands clean
退 tuì sān shè lit. to retreat ninety li (idiom) / fig. to shun; to assiduously avoid
shùn to wink
the Five Legendary Emperors, usually taken to be the Yellow Emperor 黄帝, Zhuanxu 颛顼, Di Ku 帝喾, Tang Yao 唐尧 and Yu Shun 虞舜
shì to shun the world
shǔn strike, hit with hand / tap
Shùn Yu Shun, one of Five legendary Emperors 五帝
xiá to cast away / to reject / to shun / to desert one's post
xiāng fēi zhú same as 斑竹, mottled bamboo, since according to legend the spots on mottled bamboo are marks left by the tears shed by two of King Shun's concubines (Ehuang 娥皇 and Nüying 女英, known as the Concubines of the Xiang 湘妃) upon learning of his death
Áo Shùn Ao Shun, Dragon King of the North Sea in 西游记
𥆧 shùn wink / twinkle / very short time
Shùn líng several tombs of legendary Emperor Shun, one in Ningyuan county 宁远县 in southwest Hunan, another Yuncheng prefecture 运城 Shanxi

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By MDBG 2024