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to sow / to scatter / to spread / to broadcast / Taiwan pr. [bo4]
jiàn gap / to separate / to thin out (seedlings) / to sow discontent
kāi (agriculture) to begin sowing / (of a radio or TV station) to start broadcasting / (of a radio or TV station) to start to air (a program)
chūn shēng , xià zhǎng , qiū shōu , dōng cáng sow in spring, develop in summer, harvest in autumn, store in winter (idiom)
dùn (agriculture) to compact loose soil with a stone roller after sowing seeds / stone roller used for this purpose
zhǒng to sow seeds
zhòng to grow (maize etc) from seed / to plant (maize etc) by sowing seed
tiáo to sow discord
bèi gēng to make preparations for plowing and sowing
chūn (agriculture) to sow in spring
jià to sow grain / (farm) crop
to sow (seeds) / to scatter
láo ér huò (idiom) to reap without sowing; to get sth without working for it; to sponge off others
tiǎo jiàn to sow dissension (idiom); to drive a wedge between
zhòng guā guā , zhòng dòu dòu lit. Sow melon and you get melon, sow beans and you get beans (idiom); fig. As you sow, so shall you reap. / One must live with the consequences of one's actions. / You've made your bed, now must lie on it.
xún huā wèn liǔ lit. to enjoy the beautiful spring scenery (idiom) / fig. to frequent brothels / to sow one's wild oats
fǎn jiàn to feed the enemy misinformation through their own spies / to sow discord in the enemy camp
è yǒu è bào evil has its retribution (idiom); to suffer the consequences of one's bad deeds / sow the wind and reap the whirlwind (Hosea 8:7)
bān nòng shì fēi to incite a quarrel (idiom); to sow discord between people / to tell tales / to make mischief
jià (literary) sowing and reaping / farm work

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By MDBG 2024