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jiàng thick paste of fermented soybean / marinated in soy paste / paste / jam
jiàng yóu soy sauce
dòu jiāng soy milk
wèi food prepared by stewing in soy sauce and spices
to stew in soy sauce and spices
niàng zhì to brew (beer, soy sauce etc); to make (wine, vinegar etc); to distill (spirits)
dòu yóu soy bean oil / (dialect) soy sauce
hóng shāo to braise in soy sauce until reddish-brown
yóu yán jiàng (lit.) oil, salt, soy sauce and vinegar / (fig.) the trivia of everyday life
dòu nǎi soy milk
qiàng to stir-fry then cook with sauce and water / to boil food briefly then dress with soy etc / to choke; to irritate (throat etc)
chǐ yóu soy sauce (chiefly in Cantonese and Hakka areas)
dòu zhā okara (i.e. soy pulp, a by-product of making soymilk or tofu)
dòu zhī douzhi, fermented drink made from ground mung beans / soy milk
lǎo chōu dark soy sauce
tiě dàn iron egg, a Taiwanese snack made by stewing eggs in soy sauce and air-drying them each day for a week
dàn peeled boiled egg, stewed in soy sauce and other flavorings
bàn miàn noodles served with soy sauce, sesame butter etc
yóu liào zuò oil crop (rape, peanut, soy, sesame etc) / oil-bearing crop
ròu zào (Tw) minced pork stewed with soy sauce and spices (served with rice or noodles, or as a filling in buns etc) / Taiwan pr. [rou4 sao4]

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By MDBG 2024