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xìn letter / mail / CL: / to trust / to believe / to profess faith in / truthful / confidence / trust / at will / at random
kào to lean against or on / to stand by the side of / to come near to / to depend on / to trust / to fuck (vulgar) / traditional military costume drama where the performers wear armor (old)
xìn rèn to trust / to have confidence in
wěi tuō to entrust / to trust / to commission
huá to slip; to slide / slippery; smooth / sly; slippery; not to be trusted
tuō to trust / to entrust / to be entrusted with / to act as trustee
xìn yòng trustworthiness / (commerce) credit / (literary) to trust and appoint
xìn lài to trust / to have confidence in / to have faith in / to rely on
shǒu zhū dài lit. to guard a tree-stump, waiting for rabbits (idiom) / to wait idly for opportunities / to trust to chance rather than show initiative
to fail to live up (to expectations) / unworthy (of trust) / to let down / to betray (hopes) / to disappoint
to trust / to believe in
tuō guǎn trusteeship / to trust
xìn tuō to entrust / trust bond (finance)
xìn to win the trust of
qīng xìn to easily trust; gullible; naïve
qīn xìn (often pejorative) trusted aide; confidant / to put one's trust in (sb)
dài guǎn to administer / to manage / to hold in trust or escrow
tuī xīn zhì to give one's bare heart into sb else's keeping (idiom); sb has one's absolute confidence / to trust completely / to confide in sb with entire sincerity
chǒng xìn to dote on and trust
tīng tiān yóu mìng (idiom) to submit to the will of heaven; to resign oneself to fate; to trust to luck

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By MDBG 2024