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shǒu hand / (formal) to hold / person engaged in certain types of work / person skilled in certain types of work / personal(ly) / convenient / classifier for skill / CL:,
gōng zuò to work / (of a machine) to operate / job / work / task / CL:,,
gàn tree trunk / main part of sth / to manage / to work / to do / capable / cadre / to kill (slang) / to fuck (vulgar) / (coll.) pissed off / annoyed
lèi tired / weary / to strain / to wear out / to work hard
shàng bān to go to work / to be on duty / to start work / to go to the office
xià bān to finish work; to get off work / next service (train, bus, etc)
méi shìr to have spare time / free from work / it's not important / it's nothing / never mind
dān wèi unit (of measure) / unit (group of people as a whole) / work unit (place of employment, esp. in the PRC prior to economic reform) / CL:
shí to practice / field work / to intern / internship
zuò school assignment / homework / work / task / operation / CL: / to operate
gōng to work a temporary or casual job / (of students) to have a job outside of class time, or during vacation
biǎo xiàn to show / to show off / to display / to manifest / expression / manifestation / show / display / performance (at work etc) / behavior
chuàng zuò to create; to produce; to write / a creative work; a creation
huó to live / alive / living / work / workmanship
zuò to cooperate; to collaborate; to work together
cāo zuò to work / to operate / to manipulate
bàn shì to handle (affairs) / to work
duàn liàn to toughen / to temper / to engage in physical exercise / to work out / (fig.) to develop one's skills / to train oneself
zhù zuò to write / literary work / book / article / writings / CL:
jiā bān to work overtime

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By MDBG 2024