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Did you mean: wrestler rustle wrest ?

shuāi jiāo to trip and fall / to wrestle / wrestling (sports)
dòu to wrestle; to fight; to struggle
pīn to struggle / to wrestle
shì strong man / sumo wrestler
shuāi jiǎo to wrestle / wrestling
to fight, esp. with hands / wrestling (as a sport) / to wrestle / to wrestle (against fate, with a problem etc) / to capture prey
dòu to wrestle
niǔ to wrestle / to grapple / to scuffle
jué to wrestle / (fig.) to lock horns; to tussle; to wrangle
lian cloth pouch open in the middle, forming two bags / jacket worn for Chinese wrestling
shā (gaming or wrestling) finishing move; finisher
bào shuāi body slam (wrestling move)
bāi shǒu wàn arm wrestling
bāi wàn zi arm wrestling
wàn arm wrestling (Tw)
xiāng sumo wrestling / also pr. [xiang4 pu1]
jué wrestling / to wrestle
jué dòu to wrestle
jué dòu chǎng wrestling ring

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