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Did you mean: xi xie xiao xiu sea xu ?

xià down / downwards / below / lower / later / next (week etc) / second (of two parts) / to decline / to go down / to arrive at (a decision, conclusion etc) / measure word to show the frequency of an action
xià to frighten / to scare
xiā blind / groundlessly / foolishly / to no purpose
xiā shrimp / prawn
Qi son of Yu the Great , reported founder of the Xia Dynasty 夏朝 (c. 2070-c. 1600 BC)
xiá narrow / narrow-minded
xiá knight-errant / brave and chivalrous / hero / heroic
Xià the Xia or Hsia dynasty c. 2000 BC / Xia of the Sixteen Kingdoms (407-432) / surname Xia
xià summer
xiá blemish / flaw in jade
xiá rose-tinted sky or clouds at sunrise or sunset
xiá gorge
xiá old variant of
xiá box
Xià abbr. for Xiamen or Amoy 厦门, Fujian
xiá triennial sacrifice to ancestors
jié (emperor of Xia dynasty) / cruel
xiá linchpin (used to fasten a wheel to an axle) / (bound form) to govern; to have jurisdiction over
xiá distant / long-lasting / to abandon
西 Xià Western Xia dynasty 1038-1227 of Tangut people 党项 occupying modern Ningxia and parts of Gansu and Shaanxi, overthrown by Mongols

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By MDBG 2024