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Did you mean: zhao zuo sao zai za so ?

zǎo early / morning / Good morning! / long ago / prematurely
zào to make / to build / to manufacture / to invent / to fabricate / to go to / party (in a lawsuit or legal agreement) / crop / classifier for crops
zāo dregs / draff / pickled in wine / rotten / messy / ruined
zǎo (bound form) jujube; Chinese date (Zizyphus jujuba)
záo (bound form) chisel / to bore a hole; to chisel; to dig / (literary) certain; authentic; irrefutable / also pr. [zuo4]
zāo to meet by chance (usually with misfortune) / classifier for events: time, turn, incident
zǎo aquatic grasses / elegant
zào (literary) (of birds or insects) to chirp / (bound form) to make a cacophonous noise
zào dry; parched / impatient; vexed / (bound form) (Taiwan pr. [sao4]) minced meat
zào soap / black
zǎo bath
zào impatient; hot-tempered
zào black / police runners, from the black clothes formerly worn by them
zào kitchen stove / kitchen; mess; canteen
zǎo flea
zào deputy / subordinate / concubine
zào variant of
zào used in 啰唣
zào variant of
zāo finish, to go around

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