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Did you mean: zhi zhu zhuo zhai zui zhou ?

zhuī to chase / to pursue / to look into / to investigate / to reminisce / to recall / to court (one's beloved) / to binge-watch (a TV drama) / retroactively / posthumously
zhuì to fall / to drop / to weigh down
zhuī (bound form) vertebra
zhuī cone / awl / to bore
zhuì to sew / to stitch together / to combine / to link / to connect / to put words together / to compose / to embellish
zhuì (bound form) superfluous / (bound form) (of a man) to move into the household of one's in-laws after marrying; (of the bride's parents) to have the groom join one's household
Zhuī surname Zhui
zhuī (literary) piebald horse
zhuì iodide / to weight
zhuì anxious / worried
zhuī short-tailed bird
zhuì circle shrines and make sacrifices
zhuì to let down with a rope
zhuī snipe / turtle-dove
zhuì swelling of foot
zhuì vase with a small mouth

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